Security & Secwan Tangerang - Jagoan Loker

Security & Secwan Tangerang

Date Posted: 4 days ago
Salary: Rp. 4,200,000-5,000,000 per month
Tangerang, Banten

Job Description


Persyaratan untuk lowongan ini adalah :


Pria/ Wanita, usia maksimal 38 tahun.

Tinggi minimal 170 cm berat badan ideal bagi pria dan tinggi minimal 158 cm berat badan ideal bagi wanita.

Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat.

Tidak bertato / bertindik.

Diutamakan memiliki Ijazah Gada Pratama.

Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani.

Dapat bekerja secara individu dan team.

Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.

Tanggung Jawab

Melindungi dan mengayomi lingkungan /tempat kerjanya dari setiap gangguan keamanan, serta menegakkan peraturan dan tata tertib yang berlaku di lingkungan kerjanya

Disclaimer: melamar pekerjaan di tidak dipungut biaya

Tentang Perusahaan

Nusapala Group was founded on August 08 2008, we are a holding company with 3 main businesses, namely: 1. HR Provider 2. Security service 3. Parking management

Nusapala Group is one of the solutions for the concept of understanding and modern thinking in the field of human resources, along with the development of increasingly competitive competition both in the national and international business sectors.

In the face of the above conditions and situations, companies are looking for innovative ways to streamline labor costs in the core business. Of course, through the implementation of the administrative system of human resource management.

With a high commitment Nusapala Group will provide solutions for companies to run business operations more effectively and efficiently

Karir Komunika Pratama

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Job Detail

  • Location
    Tangerang, Banten
  • Company
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  • Career Level
  • Gender

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